If you had told me when she was a month old sucking from blistered nipples that one day soon I would enjoy nursing and miss it when I was done, I would have thought you were crazy. If you had told me that I would giggle when Daughter looks at me with a milky smile, I would have thought you'd been drinking.... giggle while nursing? But the pain!
Yes... there was pain.
But we stuck with it! I say "we" because it really is a team effort. Daughter had to be willing, and Mat had to be supportive. Which he was. He was uber-supportive. I love that man!
I'm very glad that our breastfeeding course at the hospital was open to dads, too. Apparently some of the courses at other hospitals are not. I'm also very thankful that Mat was able and willing to go with me.
My nursing success can be attributed to 4 things.
- milk supply (Thank God I have plenty of milk! Some women don't)
- stubbornness (if other women can do it, I should be able to, too!)
- a very supportive husband. Seriously, wouldn't have made it past 2 weeks without him.
- Daughter's patience while I learned what to do.