Maybe that's because they're so easy and weed proof...
I planted them in the garden, attempted to weed, then I just got too big and it got too hot. I'm hoping that Mat will find the time to retill between the green beans and the onions to see if we can save some of them...
But, for now, my sunflowers, blueberries, raspberries, sunberries, and garlic are doing well. Oh, and lets not forget the weeds! They're doing great!
Sunflowers! |
I'm pretty excited to get some pics with Daughter and our sunflowers :)
Jersey Blueberries! |
I really wasn't expecting any blueberries or raspberries this year, but the blueberries have come in! They're small and dry, but they're there!
Sunberries! |
They're still green and the bush is quite small still (started from seeds this spring) but the seed were free from Seedsavers with our order. All Heirloom!
In baby news...
We finished our Birth Free DVD classes! I really enjoyed them and feel so much better prepared for this birth than I had prior to viewing. I didn't agree with everything, but most of it was just about how to have the natural birth that we want.
Mat put together the baby swing last night :)
The quilts are pieced... just need the border, to quilt them, and bind them. I think they're turning out quite well. Hopefully I'll have them done by the time Daughter is born!