Sunday, July 28, 2013

39 weeks and nesting kicks in!

We decided to try to take some maternity pics, despite my swollen state.

39 weeks!

And today after church I went crazy... I needed to sew!  We needed to get the nursery done!

So that's what we did... I sewed, Mat hung things on the walls and curtains... now he's bathing Mookie and he's going to vaccuum before 6:00... at 6:00 the night turns into a relaxing date night.  Trying to stay relaxed before tomorrow's version!

Here are some of the things I sewed today and Mat finished in the nursery...

Niece's quilt front and back

Daughter's quilt top, Niece's bottom
Curtains (now with black out backing) and valence
Mommy's tactical beverage holder
 This I made to hook onto the day bed in the nursery.  I plan on doing a lot of nursing in there and it makes sense to have a hands free drink available.  Just lean over and suck the straw without disturbing Daughter :)
Snowflake pattern for our little snowflake :)
curtain tie backs
I may do a tutorial on how to make curtain tie backs... I took a lot of pictures and it's just scraps (the left overs from backing and binding niece's quilt and the white ribbon thingy's that come around so many new born things).

Well, tomorrow's the big day!  We're putting our trust in God and praying like mad!  Please pray for Daughter to turn so we don't have to have a C Section. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Daughter is breech

At the midwife appointment today we found out that Daughter is breech.  Jen told us that we could either schedule a C Section or do a version. So they did an ultrasound to determine her health and amount of fluid so that we could do a version.  We have one scheduled for Monday.

Prayers are greatly appreciated!  We really don't want a C Section, but if it's the only way to get Daughter out safely, we'll do it. 

She's measuring in the 33rd percentile according to the US today.  She is healthy and mobile, so lets just hope she turns back to the head down position! 

On Monday my dad was telling Daughter to do a somersault for Grandpa.  I told him not to say that because she was in the right position.  If he says that to my sisters kid or any future kids he'll get smacked ;)

Monday, July 22, 2013

38 weeks! And Mookie's birthday :)

38 weeks and still pregnant!  :)

It's Mookie's birthday today!  He's 8.  He got some special bones and new toys.  We're planning on taking him to the drive in for a sundae tonight, but that depends how I'm feeling.

38 weeks!

38 weeks!
So I've been having pretty regular contractions since last night at around 9.  Every 10 minutes or so.  I'm also pretty nauseous and not hungry at all.  Yesterday I ate two English muffins at 4 and then wasn't hungry for the rest of the day.  Mat and I decided that I should eat something before bed, so around 10 I had some applesauce.  But that is nowhere near enough to keep pregnant me satiated!

Throughout the night I got maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep.  I kept waking up from contractions-but they weren't getting stronger or closer together.  This morning I texted my mom to let her know and she came out here to work today.  

Based on my google search, this might be prodromal contractions.

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated!  Not sure whether this is early labor, prodomal contractions, or false labor... but I'm definitely contracting pretty regularly!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Visit to the birthing center and 6th midwife appointment

Monday I was cramping constantly.  It was about on par with my worst period cramps.  So I called the midwife nurse and she thought that I might have a UTI, changed my Friday appt to Tuesday, and told me to take a warm bath and tylenol.  If it didn't improve, I was to come into the birthing center. 

It didn't improve. 

So, at about 7:00 Monday night, Mat and I made a trip to the birthing center.  I was still cramping pretty bad (a constant cramping, not come and go) and when we got there it got worse from the walk through the hospital. 

Turns out everything is fine.  I'm just one of those lucky women who starts to cramp and contract really early.  They did a UTI test, monitored me for a bit, I had two contractions, and we came home.  We got home just before 11.

The nurse, Natalie, was awesome.  She said that she was comfortable letting me go home because I had the midwife appointment the following day.  My mom came to drive me yesterday.  Krista checked me over and everything looked good.  She said Daughter had dropped.  Cramps were normal... and they can't tell if I'll go into active labor in a couple days or a couple weeks.

So... Daughter's still in me, I'm still cramping, and I'm taking it pretty easy.  The cramping gets worse when I'm up and doing stuff.

I want Daughter to come when she is ready!  :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

37 weeks! Meet Bucky and LWML quilt for daughter :)

37 weeks!

37 weeks!

You may have noticed a furry new addition to the pics... not talking about Mookie, but Bucky.  The deer that Mat had gotten a few years ago that was the biggest anyone had taken on my grandfather's land in many years.  I think he's pretty impressive!   Tasty, too!  Provided good venison for over a year.  But since the move he had just been sitting on the floor in the nursery but Mat got him hung up in the living room this weekend.  I think he looks good!

LWML quilt for daughter

close up of the quilting
The LWML ladies at my church made Daughter a quilt!  Daughter is very blessed to have so many quilters around her!  One can never have too many quilts :)  This is our first "whole cloth" quilt and very beautifully quilted.  I love how the quilting details differ in the different sections of the picture.  And the small animal pics are even framed!  My mom and I have never done anything like that!  When we rent out a Gamill Long Arm we just pick one pattern and stick with it.  Which is still beautiful (what home made quilt isn't?) But I'm loving the new quilt, too!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

5th Midwife appointment

I met the last one!  Christa.  She was just as nice as all the rest.  Beginning next week, I'll see my midwife, Jen, for the remainder of my pregnancy. It's so great to be able to visit with everyone who could possibly be delivering Daughter. 

My mom drove me to keep my stress levels down.  Thanks, mom!  I got to recline in the passenger seat for the hour long car ride (each way!) rather than getting a sore back in the upright car seat.   Plus, the AC in her car works great!

Christa answered questions and did my Strep B test. 

Turns out, I can't swim for 6 weeks after Daughter is born :(  That stinks.  Not that I'm a huge swimmer, more of a player-in-water, or now just a floater.  Floating is so nice!

My belly button is purple.  It has been protruding for at least 2 months now, and Mat just noticed that it was purple and wanted me to ask about it.  Apparently that's normal.

She poked around and told me where Daughter's body parts were.  Her HB was upper 140's and I was measuring right on track.

She looked over my birthing plan and told me that it looked good...

Daughter's been getting the hiccups 4-6 times daily but she said that's normal. 

Her guess was that Daughter would be 7.5 - 8 lbs.  The last midwife guesstimated 8.5.  So I'm guessing daughter will probably be somewhere in there :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

ND grows more sunflowers than any other state :)

Maybe that's because they're so easy and weed proof...

I planted them in the garden, attempted to weed, then I just got too big and it got too hot.  I'm hoping that Mat will find the time to retill between the green beans and the onions to see if we can save some of them...

But, for now, my sunflowers, blueberries, raspberries, sunberries, and garlic are doing well.  Oh, and lets not forget the weeds!  They're doing great!

 I'm pretty excited to get some pics with Daughter and our sunflowers :)

Jersey Blueberries!
 I really wasn't expecting any blueberries or raspberries this year, but the blueberries have come in!  They're small and dry, but they're there!

They're still green and the bush is quite small still (started from seeds this spring) but the seed were free from Seedsavers with our order.  All Heirloom!

In baby news...
We finished our Birth Free DVD classes!  I really enjoyed them and feel so much better prepared for this birth than I had prior to viewing.  I didn't agree with everything, but most of it was just about how to have the natural birth that we want. 

Mat put together the baby swing last night :)

The quilts are pieced... just need the border, to quilt them, and bind them.  I think they're turning out quite well.  Hopefully I'll have them done by the time Daughter is born!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

36 weeks!

Today I'm officially 36 weeks!  If I went into labor now, they wouldn't try to stop it.  Wow!  We still have so much to do!

36 weeks!

36 weeks!
So I've just noticed that my face has severely pudged out.  Eh, that'll happen.  I'm swollen everywhere.  I had to wear my tennis shoes to church because my church shoes just don't fit anymore. 

Yesterday Mat was being awesome as always, and he made a frozen pizza because I'm always so exhausted.  I was reclining in bed and we decided to watch a movie on the lap top once the pizza was done.  so I attempted to sit up some and balance my pizza on my lap (or lack there of) and it ended up falling.  I got pretty upset and Mat quickly helped me rescue my pizza and asked if I wanted his pillow.  I angrily said "It's MY pillow!" because he was leaning against the pillow that I would ordinarily use as a table or to hold up my book in bed.  Then I just started laughing hysterically because I was so angry and needlessly so.  Thankfully, Mat's quick to forgive his crazy hormonal wife.  We've been laughing about the "It's MY pillow!" comment ever since.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Baby shower and 35 weeks!

Daughter had another baby shower this weekend!  It was very fun and we got so many adorable gifts!  We got the cutest framed name made by my cousin-in-law and her mom.  I want to show it, but we've decided not to use Daughter's name on here... it's on Facebook, though :)

Preggo sisters!  22 weeks and 35 weeks.

Preggo sisters with our grandparents

Aunts, Grandma, sister and I.  

The shower was thrown by my dad's sisters.  It was amazing!  First of all, it was only a half hour away- I can handle a 1/2 hour in the car better than a four hour car ride.  Then there were fun games, good food, and wonderful presents.  We are truly blessed :)