Indy, our 5 month Goldendoodle who by the way just completed puppy training, killed Corny tonight.
So that’s great.
The chicks are getting pretty big so Mama Weasley has been letting them roam on their own more and more. I thought that they had gotten too large for Indy to take out so I let him outside without supervision.
When I went to close the coop tonight, Corny was missing. A hawk was circling and cawing over head so I thought that got her. Then on my way back to the house I found Corny. Or most of her. She really looked pretty similar to a grocery store bought chicken pre-oven. plucked clean but missing head and feet.

Mat and I were trying to look up what could have done that when Indy started the doggy vomit song. I ran to get a bowl (too late) and came back to this

Mat has a theory that the hawk killed Corny and then was interrupted by Indy. Indy saw the dead chicken and just ate the head.
In other news: Another injured animal today was Wasabi.

Maybe the hawk had tried to get him? Not sure. He does play with Indy a lot, but I don’t think Indy would have hurt him. I know Wasabi could really put Indy in his place quickly with those claws.