I weaned very gradually. I had been nursing about 4 times a day, and I would cut out one of those for about 5 days before I cut out the next. It worked well for us! But I ad crazy pain. I can't imagine what mother's who wean all at once go through! Yowch!
She's still sleeping through the night *knock on wood*. She had been pretty fussy at the beginning of the week (when I was still nursing at bed time) but that was because of teething.
The reactions I got were so varied. Some people would have supported me nursing longer (including the amazing Mat), and some people were weirded out that I hadn't stopped yet.
I remember when I first started nursing I had a lot of people ask me how long I was going to nurse for. The goal was always a year. We made it! But when I told some people that, they said "Good, just as long as you're not nursing a toddler, that's weird."
Um... not that weird.
So glad it went smoothly!