Friday, February 27, 2015

It's getting real

All the travel arrangements are made and I've started my meds. I had my first US and lab work on Tuesday and nearly had a melt down when Lynda called and left a message saying that my US needed to be done at a fertility clinic. 

What?!?  I set it up with a fertility nurse- made sure that they do IVF there... Now NEDC is telling me that it doesn't work?  I didn't even know where I would go if I needed to find a more detailed clinic. The place I went last time is 4 hours away in another state.   So dr Keenan decided that since another Dr uses those ultrasounds for IVF, he was ok with them. 


Then Iooked at the rental car agreement (we're driving to Knoxville) and there was a 1650 mileage limit. Yikes!  Aparantly if you book through AAA, they automatically give you the mileage limit. Good thing we caught it!  That could have been expensive...

And I've started the meds. They're taking a toll. I've had a headache since Sunday and I'm nauseated about half the time. 

But it'll all be worth it!  
Just look at this cuteness!


  1. Lupron headaches are the worst! But like you said, so worth it! Excited for you this month! :)

  2. Praying for you and those embies!
