Twice now I've said "I think the MS is getting better" and twice now it changed and got worse...
Even when my mom asked me if it was getting better, I told her "Yes, but I hesitate to say that because last time I mentioned it, it got worse."
Now it feels sort of like a heart burny feeling in my entire abdomen at night, and the regular MS throughout the day. It still gets betters in the late morning and afternoon.
I gag on my toothbrush. It's pretty gross. I've actually made myself throw up a few times while brushing my teeth. Come to think of it, aside from barf burps, that's the only time I have thrown up.
Today as I sat at my computer, Mookie started barking like crazy. There were 5 deer sprinting across the yard. I love living here :)
Hope you feel better soon. I had a perfect, easy pregnancy last time and I am scared that this time I will get the icky MS and heartburn.