Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stop the presses! Stop the meds! Woot woot!

Just got a call from Katie at NEDC.  She received my results from lab tests done Friday and she said I can completely stop the PIL and Estrace!

Woot Woot!  *happy dance!*

my levels were...
Estradiol- 1400 (still going up even with the 1/2 dose)
Progesterone-54.01 (went down from 90+ but still higher than average for first trimester)

Both those are currently at 2nd trimester levels.

My pin-cushin-of-a-butt can heal!  Woot woot!  Praise God :)

I am just a tad nervous... I'm not out of my first trimester yet (11 days left!) but I'm so excited to be done with those shots!  Plus, we've seen/heard Wigglers HB 3 times already and it looked great every time and his growth was right on track :)

And tonight is date night... we're totally going to celebrate!


  1. Totally a milestone worth celebrating!!! congrats!!

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award on my blog! http://nogoodeggs.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/awards-season/

  3. I remember being done with those - it scared me. I kept thinking "what if this is the only thing keeping the baby in there?" But all was fine. And my rear was happy! lol
